Saturday, September 14, 2019

Yamaha PSRE363 and PSREW300

I checked out some keyboards that would work well for starting students.
The Yamaha 61-key PSRE 363 and the Yamaha 76-key PSREW300.

The big difference in the two keyboards is the number of keys.

The string sounds on Yamaha's have always been top notch. And their electronic keyboard features are a consistently good bang for the buck.

At Guitar Center I could get a discount outfitting a class with say, 6 or 12 keyboards, as one would expect. However, right now it doesn't look like I could expand that discount to all students.So here are some Guitar Center links followed by some Amazon links for comparison.

Guitar Center

61-Key PSR-E363

76-Key PSR-EW300


Yamaha PSR-E363 keyboard only

PSR-E363 plus PA130 adapter

PA130 Adapter alone

76-Key PSR-EW300 keyboard only